Monday, June 29, 2009

The Move Looms

As I write this we are 2 weeks and 2 days from our move from Arizona. It seems like it was literally yesterday that we found out we were moving.

Since my last post we went on our house hunting trip to KY. It was a learning experience to say the least. There is too much to get into here, but we found a house near the end of our trip. Beth and I are really excited to be getting our very own house and being closer to our family. I also got to go by and see my new office and meet everyone, very briefly, that I will be soon working alongside. Everyone was great and I am eager to get to know everyone better and see how the office is different from Arizona.

Our last few weeks here will be wrapping up household whatnot and spending some time with our friends that we are really going to miss. This Saturday is our last Salt River trip for the foreseeable future. I am going to take my digital camera for the first time and try to take some good pictures. I'll put some on here after I recover.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Havasu Trip '09

So here is the latest on the trip that Beth and I just took. We went for another dose of the Havasupai reservation. It was just as amazing as last year. This time we took Brandon (Beth's little brother), Andrew (my friend from school), and Jessica (one of Beth's friends) along for the adventure. There was a major flood that happened after our last trip so it was interesting to see how the landscape had changed, and boy did it.

Beth and I really worked hard to get ready for this trip. I lost 35 pounds and we hiked North Mountain (a park near our house) more times than I can remember. This all paid off as we had a better time during the hike since we weren't so wore out. The hike is 11 miles from the trailhead to the campground. After we got down and setup camp, we went for a swim at Havasu Falls. The canyon is so peaceful and it was nice to wake up and just walk around in the cool air taking it all in. For our full day down there, we went to the tallest of the waterfalls (Mooney) and scaled down the side to follow the creek on down the canyon looking for Beaver falls. I ended up twisting my ankle this morning and had a hard time walking the rest of the day. Beaver falls ended up being too much for us to find and we just hiked back to Mooney in the creek the whole way. There was great scenery and I think the cold water helped keep my ankle from exploding.

After the second night we packed up camp and started our hike out. We started out at 6:00 am and made it to the top at 11:00 am. This was an hour quicker than last year. Guess those trips on North Mountain did help. All in all, it was another great trip. We had fun with our friends and family that went along and everyone made it in and out safely which was the important thing. The final specs on the hike were the following: 2 nights, 30 miles walked, 40 lb. backpack, 4000 ft. total elevation change, 1 sore ankle, and at least half a dozen blisters.

I can't wait till the next time we get to go back. It is truely one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Now we are back at home and just taking it easy this weekend. Next weekend it is going to be Dbacks and Salt River with Adam and Alison from CO. I leave you all with a video of Havasu creek just below Mooney Falls where another creek joins the fun.